
Every country and every religion has its own set of holidays. While most people narrow in on their own holidays, international businesses should always be aware of important dates in the countries they do business in. Respecting another's religion or country's special date can mean the difference between keeping and losing a client. So what exactly are you supposed to do? You can't keep a person calendar for every country. Besides, who knows when you may pick up a client from a new country or religion. What if there was a single calendar which included public holidays for numerous countries, all in one place? A Global World has finally created the solution in the form of the best international day planner. 


Now when you schedule appointments, meetings and conference calls, you will immediately know whether a client may be unavailable due to a holiday. Taking the time to educate yourself regarding the country and clients you need to do business with creates a stronger relationship, meaning a much better business partnership for now and in the future. With all of the different cultures and religions, having a planner in front of you to alert you to someone else's special dates is essential. You simply cannot be likely to just “know” these dates. For this reason A Global World's planner includes the public holidays for over 200 countries. Not one other planner offers dates with this many countries in a single planner. Finally, there's a planner customized strictly for international businesses. Whether you already cope with numerous countries or are simply expanding into your first foreign country, this planner instantly makes respecting the cultures of others easier. You've enough to worry about without attempting to remember dates which might not exactly apply to you. In addition to listing the general public holidays of other countries, this calendar includes information on other religions and their holidays, world timezones, dialing codes and international weather. There's also full color maps and metric conversions. If you want a more customized calendar, no problem. A Global World gladly prints your company name, logo, mission statement or other customization on the planners you order. This is perfect for handing out to other companies and clients to assist them to remember you. If you would like it all, you've got it. These 14 month planner calendars from the Global World are vital to doing international business.
